Health Check Up

We worked with doctors to address any health issues and concerns identified by scheduling at UCMG the suitable health assessments and examinations or customising a comprehensive and holistic health evaluation for preventive health and wellness.

UCMG also offers to individuals various Health Check-up Programmes and investigation items to enable health conscious individuals like you to develop an extensive and wide-ranging understanding of your health status.  By selecting a range of assessments in accordance to your stage of life or general identified risks, UCMG provides you the convenience of completing these health screenings based on your needs to target any risk factors that may impact your life.  Corporate and executive enrollment is also available.

UCMG will arrange medical professionals to review your results and, if necessary, conclude with a meeting to let you understand your overall health and identify any concerns.

Come to contact our health professionals to let us know your health concerns and goals.

A.Basic check up plan

Complete Blood Picture (CBP)

Total Cholesterol

HDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol



Liver Function Test – SGOT

Renal Function Test – Urea

Urine Examination

Resting ECG

B.Comprehensive check up plan

Physical Examination & Personal questionnaires for evaluation


A BO group + Rh-D



Liver Function

-Bilirubin, total

Alk. Phosphatase



Renal Function

– Creatinine


Uric Acid


RA factor

Cardiac Risk Assessment

– Cholesterol, Total

– HDL cholesterol

Chest X-ray

Resting ECG

Stool for Occult Blood

Stool Routine

Hepatitis B pre-vaccination

– Hepatitis Bs antigen (HbsAg)

– Hepatitis Bs antibody (HbsAb)

Urine Examination

For Lady 

Pap Smear

Trichomonas and Monilia Culture

For Gentleman

Tumor Marker: Male Reproductive System, PSA

C.Lady Checkup Package

B1. Lady Checkup Package

Physical Examination,
Blood Pressure and Pulse,
Clinical History,
Trichomonas and Monilia Culture,

B2. Lady Checkup Package

DEXA: Bone Density

B3. Lady Checkup Package

Breast ultrasound and Axilla,
Pelvis ultrasound- (by Transabdominal)

B4. Lady Checkup Package

Breast ultrasound,
Pelvis ultrasound,

D.Gentleman Checkup Package

C1.    Gentleman Checkup Package

Physical Examination

Blood Pressure and Pulse

RA factor

Uric Acid


C2.    Gentleman Checkup Package

Prostate + Bladder (Transabdominal)

C3.    Gentleman Checkup Package

Prostate + Upper abdomen (Transabdominal)

E.Domestic Helper Checkup

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg)

Syphilis Antibody

HIV Ag/Ab Combo

Pregnancy Test

Stool Routine

F.Pre-Marital Checkup

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

ABO Grouping & Rh(D)

Syphilis Antibody

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg)

HIV Ag/Ab Combo

Rubella Antibody IgG (for female)

Haemoglobin Patten

Seminal Fluid Analysis (for male)

G.Cancer Check up plan

Digestive System   

i. CEA; ii. CA19.9; iii. CA72.4

Liver and Pancreas   

i. Alpha Feto-Protein (AFP); ii. CEA; iii. CA19.9


i. CEA; ii. CA15.3


i. EBV antibodies


i. CEA; ii. SCC

Male Reproductive System         

i. Beta HCG (Quantitative) ; ii. PSA

Female Reproductive System   

i. SCC; ii. CA125; iii. Beta HCG (Quantitative)

Male Whole Cancer Markers

i. CEA, ii. AFP, iii. CA19.9, iv. PSA, v. SCC, vi. BetaHCG, vii. EBV

Female Whole Cancer Markers  

i. CEA, ii. AFP, iii. CA125, iv. CA15.3, v. CA19.9, vi. SCC, vii. BetaHCG, viii. EBV

H.Prophecy Test for NPC


I.Comprehensive eye health check

Report explanation Consultation by Doctor / Nurse

Health Check Summary Report by Doctor

OCT Optical Coherence Tomography

Dilated Pupillary Fundus Examination (if need)

Detail Eye Health Examination : Dry eye, Cataract, Intra- Ocular Pressure, Visual Acuity and Refraction, Squint, Ocular Motility Examination, Color Vision Test, Stereopsis

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