About Us

UCMG was founded in 1996 by a group of specialist doctors with more than 25 years of experience. As a medical administrative service center, we provide medical administrative services to more than 7,000 corporate clients in Hong Kong and Macau. The scope of services includes: network medical outpatient services, third-party…

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To Insurance Companies

In partnership with insurance companies for various medical programmes; Running medical training courses to insurance companies; 24 hours Inpatient pre-admission services to insurance companies; Inpatient Case Management services; Acting as Medical Consultant to Medical Emergency Evacuation Company and Medical Insurance Companies

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To Corporate Clients

Medical and related administration services to over 7500 Corporate clients for Outpatient (GP and Specialists) Network services, Preventive Checkup services, Third Party Administration (ASO) , Medical Examination, Dental service, Employee Medical Evaluation services in Hong Kong and Macau; Medical Centre Setup & licensing, 24 hours clinic operation & medical consultation services for Hotels and Entertainment Groups.

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To Individuals

UCMG provides various Health check-up schemes to health conscious individuals from regular basic annual check-up to comprehensive examination programmes with customised options to cater one’s medical needs. Consult with our healthcare team for details or refer to our website at Health Check-up for more information.

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Health Check-Up

  • Basic Checkup Scheme
  • Lady Checkup Package
  • Tumor Marker Groups
  • Basic Checkup Scheme + Optional Examination
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Latest News

Preventing illness
starts with knowledge

See more information about our health talks and
learn more to stay healthy

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